Click the HTML icon in the toolbar above to edit spacer height.
TO EDIT: Change the class="spacer-3" to any number between 0 (none) and 5 (most) to resize a spacer. Ex. class="spacer-5"
Vertical spacers are responsive and 50% smaller on mobile than on tablet+.
Industry-Leading Deliverability Rates
Utilize the tool with the highest inbox placements in the industry, according to impartial reports from ReturnPath. Work with our dedicated deliverability expert, who helps your campaign without additional cost, to ensure your message reaches your supporters.
Email Series
Design an automated series of emails to help welcome subscribers to your campaign, turn one-time donors into sustainers, or re-engage inactive subscribers.
One-Click Actions
With just one click, supporters can join your email list, sign up to volunteer, or make a donation to your campaign.
Conditional Content & Dynamic Ask Strings
Personalize emails by sending different content to email recipients based on dozens of merge fields, and tailor fundraising ask amounts based on a supporter's giving history.
ActBlue Tracker
Pull donation and conversion stats from your ActBlue pages into your email dashboard automatically with our new ActBlue Tracker.
Multivariate Testing
Increase your impact each time you press send. A through J multivariate testing is easy-to-use, and allows for up to ten tests to ensure maximum control and effectiveness.