"The Distributed Organizing Guide "
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TO EDIT: Change the class="spacer-3" to any number between 0 (none) and 5 (most) to resize a spacer. Ex. class="spacer-5"
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Vertical spacers are responsive and 50% smaller on mobile than on tablet+.
Click the HTML icon in the toolbar above to edit spacer height.
TO EDIT: Change the class="spacer-3" to any number between 0 (none) and 5 (most) to resize a spacer. Ex. class="spacer-5"
Vertical spacers are responsive and 50% smaller on mobile than on tablet+.

The Definitive Distributed Organizing Guide

Learn how to tap into the networks of your supporters to force multiply your work using best practices found in The Definitive Distributed Organizing Guide from NGP VAN and Tectonica. This essential organizing guide provides the knowledge you need to create a people-powered approach to your organizing outreach, and was developed for campaign staff, PACs, 501(c)(4), labor unions, and other advocacy groups looking for a way to leverage supporter engagement to help achieve their voter outreach and organizing goals.

What's in The Definitive Distributed Organizing Guide?

In our guide, we discuss distributed organizing in detail and answer questions like:

  • What is distributed organizing?
  • How does distributed organizing help win elections and influence change?
  • Is distributed organizing the right approach for your political campaign or organization?
  • How are distributed organizing models structured?
  • What are distributed organizing best practices?
  • What tools and software support distributed organizing?
  • And more!
Distributed organizing can be implemented at any level and with any budget, whether you’re working to affect a local ballot initiative, influence legislation through your PAC, or win an electoral campaign.

Download your copy of the Definitive Distributed Organizing Guide today!
Click the HTML icon in the toolbar above to edit spacer height.
TO EDIT: Change the class="spacer-3" to any number between 0 (none) and 5 (most) to resize a spacer. Ex. class="spacer-5"
Vertical spacers are responsive and 50% smaller on mobile than on tablet+.
Click the HTML icon in the toolbar above to edit spacer height.
TO EDIT: Change the class="spacer-3" to any number between 0 (none) and 5 (most) to resize a spacer. Ex. class="spacer-5"
Vertical spacers are responsive and 50% smaller on mobile than on tablet+.
Click the HTML icon in the toolbar above to edit spacer height.
TO EDIT: Change the class="spacer-3" to any number between 0 (none) and 5 (most) to resize a spacer. Ex. class="spacer-5"
Vertical spacers are responsive and 50% smaller on mobile than on tablet+.
Click the HTML icon in the toolbar above to edit spacer height.
TO EDIT: Change the class="spacer-3" to any number between 0 (none) and 5 (most) to resize a spacer. Ex. class="spacer-5"
Vertical spacers are responsive and 50% smaller on mobile than on tablet+.

An Intuitive Canvassing Experience

Provide volunteers with a more intuitive canvassing experience and watch them hit more doors.

Click the HTML icon in the toolbar above to edit spacer height.
TO EDIT: Change the class="spacer-3" to any number between 0 (none) and 5 (most) to resize a spacer. Ex. class="spacer-3"
Vertical spacers are responsive and 50% smaller on mobile than on tablet+.
Click the HTML icon in the toolbar above to edit spacer height.
TO EDIT: Change the class="spacer-3" to any number between 0 (none) and 5 (most) to resize a spacer. Ex. class="spacer-5"
Vertical spacers are responsive and 50% smaller on mobile than on tablet+.
Complete Lists, Faster
Optimized Routing is an add-on that provides canvassers with the
most efficient route, from start to finish.  Turn-by-turn directions
guide canvassers through their turf.

Enjoy Smarter Scripts
Responsive Branched Scripts guide canvassers through their
conversations with voters, making it easier to focus on the issues
that matter.

Meet Volunteers Where They're At
Distributed canvassing allows canvassers to knock the doors
nearest to them. Schedule more shifts that are convenient for your

Stay Motivated
Notifications Pop-up notifications in MiniVAN help and encourage
canvassers as they make their way through their lists.
These notifications will make it easier to operate the app and will
help the canvasser stay motivated along the way.
Click the HTML icon in the toolbar above to edit spacer height.
TO EDIT: Change the class="spacer-3" to any number between 0 (none) and 5 (most) to resize a spacer. Ex. class="spacer-5"
Vertical spacers are responsive and 50% smaller on mobile than on tablet+.

Canvass with MiniVAN 8

Intuitive. Integrated. Efficient.

Forget clipboards and data entry. Mobile
canvassing with MiniVAN 8 provides a better,
more intuitive canvassing experience for
everyone involved. Features like MiniVAN
Manager and Optimized Routing help
organizers field more efficient and agile

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